How I Failed My Way to 6 Figures by Learning to Write to Market

How I Failed My Way to 6 Figures by Learning to Write to Market

In this lesson, I'll show you how I became an overnight success … after five years of bumbling mistakes. You’ll learn the secrets, which are mostly comprised of what not to do, as I detail my missteps and failures up the slippery ladder of success from a three figures to a six figures author.


Romancing the Beat by Gwen Hayes:

How to Write a Mystery by Lee Child:

How to Write a Damn Good Thriller by James N Frey:

The Story Grid by Shawn Coyne:

The Trope Thesaurus by Jennifer Hilt:



K-lytics Reports:

Amazon Top 100:

Barnes and Nobles Top 100:

Apple Top 100:

Google Play Top 100:

Kobo Top 100:



Oh Write app:

4 The Words: REFERRAL CODE: MWUCJ21563

Bullet Journals:

Pomodoro Timer:

Sarra Cannon’s Heartbreathings Youtube Channel:


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I want to make a full time living as an author is not specific!!!!!

I want to make $2500 each month from book royalties is specific.

I want to cover my car payment each month with my royalties is good, but put in the number.

I want to sell 100 print books each month.

I want to find 20 new readers each week.


What will it take to hit that goal?

If I want to make $2500 each month from my book royalties, then I need to make $83, which is selling about 30 ebooks per day.

If my car payment is $300 each month, then I need to make $10 per day or sell 3-4 books each day.

You can focus on daily or weekly breakdowns, but I think you see where I'm going.


With an attainable goal, you want it to be something within your reach. So, making 5 figures per month with your first book -while it's not impossible- it would be difficult. Make sure the goal you're writing down is something just beyond your reach, but not on Mars.


Be sure to record why you want to hit this goal. That's why I recommend you make it personal to you. I needed to feed my family with that $2500. Why do you want to make the money or increase your readership?


I like having yearly, quarterly, monthly and daily goals. I start with the year then break it down until I see what I need to do each day.

SMART Goal.pdf
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