Coming Summer 2023

In 2021, I began translating my steamy romances as well as my sweet romance books into foreign languages like German, Italian, French and Spanish.

The hard part was finding the translators and editors. Asking other authors doesn't work because many of the authors who can afford translations are engaging their translators in working on their entire backlist. So, yeah, they're not willing to share. But I figured out a process to find new translators as well as ones with their schedules open. I'll share these techniques in the course.

Translations are expensive. Royalty share programs are risky. But I ventured down a path where I managed to come out of pocket only a little or not at all, and ensured both the translator and I got paid. I'll teach you these tactics as well!

And finally, once I had my shiny new books in different languages, I had to figure out how to shout about them... in a language I didn't know. But I developed some strategies for that as well!

This course is closed for enrollment.

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