Novelists, are you ready to learn the pacing techniques employed by episodic television writers that keep millions in their seats through commercial breaks and coming back for more each week, each season, and every year?

Pantser? Plotter? Doesn't matter.

It's the PACE that pays off!

Introducing Page Turner Pacing

a course that'll help you start writing bingeable stories that readers zip through from beginning to end and beg for more.

On Your Own $297


How to Mine the Bestsellers List to Plan Your Next Hit ($100)

a Structured Foundation to help you craft your own Personal Plotting System ($100)

21 Day Guided Writing Program ($297)

Bonus Marketing Program ($149)

Trope Breakdowns $497


How to Mine the Bestsellers List to Plan Your Next Hit ($100)

a Structured Foundation to help you craft your own Personal Plotting System ($100)

21 Day Guided Writing Program ($297)

Bonus Marketing Program ($149)


6 Trope Breakdowns ($300)

September 2024 Cohort $897

How to Mine the Bestsellers List to Plan Your Next Hit ($100)

a Structured Foundation to help you craft your own Personal Plotting System ($100)

21 Day Guided Writing Program ($297)

Bonus Marketing Program ($149)

6 Trope Breakdowns $300


Live Writing Cohort led by Ines Johnson (priceless!!!!)

The Page Turner Pacing Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  How to Make Your Book Bingeworthy
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  ACT ONE: The Set Up
Available in days
days after you enroll
  ACT TWO: The Confrontation
Available in days
days after you enroll
  ACT THREE: The Resolution
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Pace Your Marketing
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Pace Your Marketing
Available in days
days after you enroll

I'm a multi-six figure, full time author.

(that's all from indie book royalties)

But I didn't start out that way...

Hey guys, what's up? My name's Ines.

I'm a television producer/writer turned romance novelist. My path to becoming a full time author wasn't a smooth one.

After pulling in an annual income of three and four figure royalties for years, and suffering through low or no reviews, as well as lackluster sell-through from book to book, I finally figured out what readers wanted.

Now I teach fiction authors how to write more bingeworthy books using pacing techniques from episodic television structure. Unlike other plotting courses, the Page Turner Pacing course helps writers craft their own plotting system that's tailored to their subgenre, so that they can increase sales by giving their specific readers the compelling, quality stories they crave in a timely manner.

I made all the classic mistakes with my first few novels while I was still writing and producing successful cable

television shows. 

And then it hit me!

What if I employed the tactics I’d used every day
for two decades to make successful television programs
to write and market my books?

I knew the techniques to pace a story from my time in the media field. I'd perfected the art of teasing viewers into the beginning of a pilot. I was well-versed in how to keep viewers on the hook during commercial breaks. Best of all, I knew the television trick of how to leave the audience hanging on a cliff (without complaint) by opening a new door before the closing credits rolled. All of these tactics kept them on the edge of their seats and eager for next week's episode.

I was an expert on the different beats of screenwriting necessary to hit the right tone for a thirty-minute sitcom vs an hour-long drama vs a police procedural vs a sweet Hallmark movie.

I was a pro when it came to delivering a television program on time for the scheduled air slot that happened at the same time each week -barring any presidential or news breaks.

I managed to transfer all these skills to my novel writing career and went from four figures a year to five figures a year.

But there was one last thing I had to master...

The Fiction Market.

When I figured out where the genre fiction marketplace was most fertile, and began feeding those readers the stories they craved, I broke six figures a year!

I failed at this novel writing gig for years.

I wrote cross-genre and sometimes
crisscrossed categories.

I missed the beats and ignored (or messed up) popular tropes.

I didn’t meet the genre expectations that
readers were expecting.

I released inconsistently.

Luckily, I learned from my mistakes. One because I’m not afraid of making mistakes. Two, because my brain is like a clockwork machine.

I like to pull things apart and examine them. Breaking scripts down is a skill from my time in television where I was trained in the writer’s room to comb through sequences and scenes, hunting for story elements, costs, and scheduling. I applied these skills to my writing and that’s when I hit success.

Television show pacing is based on techniques to hold viewers' rapt despite commercials every few minutes, weekly scheduling, and seasonal breaks.

Market research helps advertisers know what demographics of people watched different shows.

Episodic writing relies on structured, repeated patterns that keep viewers coming back for more of the same...but different.

I can teach you these skills and help you level up your craft and your writing consistency.

Introducing Page Turner Pacing:

How to Write Your Novel in 21 Days

Using Episodic Television Structure and Techniques


First, you’ll determine where your stories belong in the marketplace so that the right readers can more easily find them. I’ll show you how to identify book categories and subgenres using the bestseller charts. I give this "How I Failed My Way to Six Figures Learning to Write to Market" workshop to writing groups for $100-$300 a session.

Next, you’ll mine the data of the bestsellers' lists so that you can see what readers are buying and craving more of. I’ll give you worksheets and show you exactly what and how to record the data to spot patterns that indicate what’s on trend and what’s evergreen. I give this "How to Mine Bestsellers List to Plan Your Next Hit" workshop to writing groups for $100-$300 a session.

Then, I’ll show you how to find the intersection of what readers are buying and what you love to write. That is your fertile ground; the place in the market where you can feel confident about planting your story idea and watching it grow and flourish into a story that will feed readers’ imaginations. I gave this "Plot to Market" talk at InkersCon in 2022 and regularly deliver it as a workshop for romance writers to the tune of $100-$300 a session.

Before you start writing, we need to make sure you understand the beats and tropes of your genre or subgenre so that you can make certain you’re meeting reader expectations. In the course, you’ll find lists and descriptions of the most popular beats and tropes of fiction. Each of my beat workshops takes an hour to deliver at $100 a pop. But I've combined the three most popular genres for this course, making it a $300 value!

Next, I’ll show you how to break down a television show so that you can spot the pacing points that keep readers at the edge of their seats and eagerly anticipating your next scheduled release. Like going to the gym, this is how you train your Muse's muscles to spot and improve storylines. But be warned: you won't watch television the same after this lesson! This is a course I've taught for years at conferences like NINC (Novelists Inc) that was once called Serialized. Entry into most of these conferences were a few hundred dollars.

Then you’ll be ready to craft your own plotting system that integrates your genre, its beats, any trending trope, and my pacing method so that you can craft your bingeable story. Again, no worries if you’re a pantser. This course is all about training your brain to spot the pace. There’s no need to write an outline if you’re adverse to the practice. After all the craft books you've purchased over the years, it'll be pretty, friggin invaluable to finally have a plotting system that works for you because it'll be built on exactly what you write!

And finally, I’ll be with you every step of the way as I show you how to build a consistent writing habit that will have you write your story in just 21 days! There are twenty-one days of guided writing prompts that walk you through the pacing, get your butt in the chair, and gives you insight into each pacing point to pound out the words. You can't hire me as a coach or mentor, but with these guided prompts I'll be your writing bestie any time you need me!

But that’s not all…

If you sign up today, you’ll get access to my bonus course materials; Pace Your Marketing. With these bonus materials, I’ll give you a bird’s eye view of how I keep my books visible and selling.

You'll get trainings and worksheets on:

•How I launch new releases

•How I schedule backlist promotions

•How I keep readers engaged with weekly newsletters

•How I find new readers using social media


When does this course start and end?

The On Your Own course is perpetually open and at your own pace. Once you have purchased the course, you will have lifetime access which includes any and all updates.

If you've purchased the Cohort, you will be notified when the live classes begin.

What if I'm unhappy with the course?

I would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact me in the first 30 days and I will give you a full refund.

Should I take this course if I'm already a successful author?

Understand that you're asking someone who loves learning something new. If you have a new plotting method or craft technique, never hesitate to email me all about. I believe you can never strengthen your craft enough. So, my answer is yes! You absolutely should take this course whether you're already successful or on your way to awesomeness.

I'm not a romance author. Will this still work for me?

The first lesson I show you is how to data mine the bestselling book charts. You'll see that mysteries, thrillers, and romance are always at the top of the charts. There's TONS of information, guides and tell-alls on how to succeed in these genres. This course does heavily lean on these genres. However, the techniques on pacing are universal. So come on in!

What happens after I buy?

The first two modules are delivered to you immediately. Then there's a timed delay, known as a drip where the subsequent lessons release once a week. The control-freak in me wants to ensure you take the time to do each and every lesson, and since I can't look over your shoulder, this is how I've decided to handle this need to helicopter parent you!

Want to keep in touch?

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